Saturday the girls and I bought some flowers to plant in the front of our house. I know we wont be here for very long but I love the way it looks and might entice people to rent our house. We had fun. Clara really thought that the dirt should go on top of the flowers. On Sunday Lexa really wanted to make me breakfast in bed but dad is not here to help her. I tried to teach her the night before how to work the microwave so she could make me some frozen croissant sandwiches. In the morning she said she was afraid they would catch on fire so she just waited for me. That was even better because I got to sleep a bit. Lexa got to go shopping with Mimi (my mom) earlier in the week and get me some little things. She got me some candles and some jewelry. She is so sweet. I am old fashioned and like to have a corsage on Mothers Day to wear to church. Nolan ordered one for me and had me pick in up on Saturday. He also ordered an edible arrangement, which I have always wanted to try, and it was delivered on Saturday as well. After church on Sunday my parents, brother and grandmother came to our house. My dad brought a lovely arrangement of deli meats and cheeses. We had sandwiches and chips, one of my favorite lunches! We went for a walk afterward then it was time for the kids bed. After I put the kids to bed I was excited to munch on the edible arrangement. We put it out for dinner but the only ones who ate any were Clara and my mom. My mom had a very upset stomach on the way home. Clara was up half the night crying. I ate two chocolate covered strawberries and an apple slice. About 30 min after that I it made my stomach so upset that it came back up. Since then I have been fine. No one else got sick. It is a bummer because I was so excited about this present. Nolan was not happy and called the store this morning. They wanted the fruit back to see what happened and they said they would provide something else in return. They didnt show up today, so we will see what happens. All in all, it was a good day!