Well, the charger for our camera battery is lost in the move. I'm sure we will find it someday, but for now we bought a new one and can finally take pictures again. I wont try to update for the entire summer, but I will update what we did last week.
Nolans mom started the first annual Grandma Camp!
It included making a special breakfast everyday, taking Clara with them to a park, coming back for lunch, and then just Lexa and grandma having a special activity.

One day they all went to the Childrens Museum.
Lexa and Grandma got pedicures and went miniature golfing. They also made t-shirts.

Friday they had a very grand tea party. They invited Katie and Molly Gutke and their cousins and grandpa from across the street. The invitations were made as a flag on a cupcake. Marilyn made a bouquet of vegetables including carrot tulips. She also made a tower of chocolate covered strawberries, qasadillas, bruchetta with pesto mozzerella and tomato, and a quiche. She made something called fool for dessert, which is whipped cream with some yogurt and a cookie on top. It was very fun. We had lemonade and chocolate milk to drink.

We also stopped at a place called Dry Falls. The area used to be giant waterfalls that would have dwarfed Niagra Falls!
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