Friday, October 31, 2008

On Sunday our ward had their primary program. I am Lexa's teacher and asked her many times a day what her line for the program was, and she knew it. Then she was the only kid who was too shy to spit it out! Then I found out that I inadverdently taught another kid his lines just while in class. Ah well, she has her mom's stage fright.
Monday was uneventful. Tuesday was babysat a couple of kids. Wednesday Lexa got to bring in her birthday treat and show-and-tell. Most kids bring cupcakes on their birthday, but Lexa wanted Entemens chocolate doughnuts. Apparently Walmart in Loveland does not sell those (or they were too lazy to admit it and check it out for me). She brought in a v-tech globe that is pretty cool.
Thursday was Lexa's birthday. She opened presents in the morning and had waffles for breakfast. We got her a v-smile hand-held game system. I dont think she has set it down since. Good thing most of the games are educational! She also got the new TinkerBell movie. It is pretty cute. We went to McDonalds for lunch and she didnt even put her game system down to play at the play place. Then we went to school. It was their Halloween party. Lexa dressed as a butterfly. We cut out wings from cardboard boxes and painted them. She was very insistent that it be a blue butterfly. We also put pipecleaners on a headband. She was adorable but the wings were very unweildy. They were a little too big. That night we had a family and neighbor dinner of quasadillas. That was all one day. whew.
Today we carved some pumpkins, went shopping, made chili for the ward party, did trick-or-treating at HP, then went to the ward party. They had a chili and mac-n-cheese potluck and then the kids played a real life Candyland to find King Candy at the end. It was cool because they left all the parents to chat and eat in the cultural hall while they took our kids. Then Nolan took Lexa around our neighborhood while I put Clara to bed and handed out candy. We dont live in the hotzone of trick-or-treating, but we had a handful of kids. We still have a ton of candy left over, not to mention the candy from trick-or-treating at HP and our neighborhood and the ward party!!
Now we are gearing up for the BYU/CSU football game tomorrow. Go RAMS!!!


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