Thursday, February 26, 2009

This morning we found out a little girl that we carpool with in our neighborhood had tubes put in her ears today. I told Lexa after her dance class that we would go to the store and get her some balloons and ice cream to make her feel better. I told her that her friend was sad she couldnt go to school today and her ears might be hurting. Lexa told me that she wished it was her that had the tubes instead. I asked her why she said that (thinking it was because she is always begging me for a balloon at the store). Her answer was that Mykaela was her friend and she didnt want her friend to hurt. Lexa would rather take the hurt than have her friend be in pain! I'm still crying thinking about it. If only we could all be so selfless for our friends and family. We can learn so much from our kids!


Jessica said...

Aw! What a dear sweet little girl you've got! You should be proud!
Love it!

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