It has been two weeks today from when Nolan left to start his new job in Washington. And it is not as hard as I thought it would be. We had a great Easter. My dad hid eggs at their house and we had dinner there.
Nolan likes his new job. He was starting to get bored but they finally have a project for him to start on and show them what he is made of. He is also having fun hanging out with his mom and dad. His dad is taking him golfing and his mom had him join her city choir to sing show tunes!
I, on the other hand, am having the time of my life! Just kidding. :) The kids and I are surviving. We call and say goodnight to daddy on Skype almost every night. I pack a few boxes every day and try to keep the house somewhat presentable just in case anyone wants to come and look at it. It went on the market last week. We have one person that wants to come and look at it and had a call on it last weekend. Hopefully we will have more interest this weekend, but there are a flood of homes that went on the market recently to take advantage of the new home owners tax credit that ends April 30th. So there are a lot of houses for sale, but hopefully a lot of people are more motivated to get out there and look.
Nolan gets to come home next weekend and then we will see him at his sister's wedding on the 22nd in Utah. My grandparents are also getting sealed in the St George temple on the 24th and we are very excited about that!!
Happy Easter!
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