Nolan got a chance to come and visit last weekend. After picking him up from the airport we went to the zoo. The girls loved having daddy and the animals. That evening we went to play at the Pippins house! We love playing with them, it will be one of the things we will miss the most when we move. Saturday we did some chores, slept in a little bit, ran some errands and Nolan took me out to eat at Rodizio. I love that place. Sunday we went to church, had lunch with my family and then we drove him to the airport. It was a whirlwind trip.
Then we had two absolutely wonderful days. The first was Briana's wedding. Nolan drove from Washington and I drove with my girls and mom from Colorado to Utah. Nolan's parents rented a house in Murray. It was pretty interesting but nice to have us all together. Laura and Matt were already there, so was Briana, then Sherisa brought Rischel from the airport. We woke up Thursday morning to Lexa telling us Clara had throw up in her bed. Clara has never thrown up or been really sick before. Lexa was right and Clara threw up all morning. Lexa and Clara were flower girls with purple dresses, flower crowns and holding balls of flowers. It was sad to have Clara throw up all day but it actually made her quiet and cuddly instead of screaming and fussing. In the meantime, while we were all getting ready on Thursday morning for Briana's wedding, with 2 bridesmaids, we blew the breaker with all our curling irons and blow dryers. It turns out that the breaker box was in a locked closet and the guy with the key lived at least an hour away. Well, we all made it work.
We made it to the Draper temple and there was snow everywhere!! It was a great wedding, short and it was very sunny. Cold, but sunny. After the pics, we went to the luncheon at the Market Street Grill. It was very fancy and very nice. People made speeches and it was awesome.
Later that night, we went to Applebee's with Matt, Laura and Bryan and Ily Murdock. Matt wanted to watch the NFL Draft. We wanted to hang out and have fun. They came back and hung out with us at the rented house until their babysitting time was up!
Friday after lunch, my mom, Nolan and I headed down to St George, Utah. This was a very very special occasion. My moms parents live down there and are in their 80's. They have been members of the church all their lives, but my grandpa has never been interested in going to the temple. Well, he finally had some really good friends that convinced him that it was the right thing to do. So he was ordained an elder about a month or so ago and we had the honor of going thru the temple with them for the first time and seeing them get sealed and my mom get sealed to them. It was so cool to see how happy Briana was and how happy they were, but it was amazing to be with my grandparents. I have been thinking that our family is like a chain. My great-grandparents were all sealed in the temple, and my parents were sealed, as I was also. We had a missing link in the chain that kept us from being connected to the rest of our family. Now that chain is whole. We will be able to be a family for all eternity and it was amazing.
After their sealing on Saturday morning, they had a luncheon at their local club house. We had a great time and had to head back to Salt Lake, where Marilyn had been watching the kids.
While we were gone she took the girls to temple square and they heard an organist practicing in the old tabernacle. They went to the Gateway and got a horse and carriage ride. They loved it. Lexa asked the driver a million questions. And then, early Saturday Clara threw up again and had some other issues. Then Aunt Rischel also got sick, as well as Aunt Sherisa. I am so sorry to them!!!! I hope they are feeling better. Clara loved Aunt Rischel but more often then not called her Anna (Briana). She'll get it someday.
Sunday we all headed home. Nolan gave a family friend a ride from Provo back to Kennewick. My mom, the girls and I headed back for Colorado. We all were tired and had little patience, but we made it home in one piece and still alive (barely). It was an exciting drive from a little west of Laramie thru Cheyenne with blowing snow, blizzards, and dense fog.
After it all, I love my family and I love temples. I am glad Heavenly Father didnt send us here blind with no help. We have direction and guidance. It is sometimes hard to endure to the end, but it is definitely worth every struggle.
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