Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I was dropping Lexa off at school today when she closed the car door on her thumb. It was black and bloody instantly so I RACED her to the emergency room at Centerra. I called my mom on the way so she could call the school and tell them Lexa wouldnt be there today. Then my mom and dad came up and watched Clara while I was with Lexa. That was really nice because I hadnt brought any shoes for Clara (thought we would just be dropping her off and then going home). Without shoes on she couldnt walk around the ER. It is pretty hard to keep her entertained and happy while Lexa was freaking out and crying. They ended up burning a hole in her nail so the blood could drain out. She felt much better after that! She had a few x-rays and her thumb was fine. We got home just in time to watch two kids. Lexa is fine but realizing how much she uses her thumb!! I was so sick today and being in the ER was fun. On the way out they gave us a flier so we could recognize the symptoms of swine flu, just in case we picked it up there. Ha!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
We had our primary program today at church. It was focused on families and temples. It went very smoothly and well. I was playing the piano for the primary so I got to be right in the middle of it all. Lexa even remembered her line and said it clearly and slowly.
At the end of the program one of the counselors in our bishopric said a few words. He talked about doing family history recently. When he was 19 he joined the church. No one else in his family was or is a member. In doing family history he found out that his family had joined the church in Europe and came to the US to live in Utah. The father of the family died soon after making it to Utah and the family eventually fell away from the church. He thought he was a pioneer in his family by joining but found out he was reviving his family legacy! It was very cool and powerful. Then the closing song was Families Can be Together Forever. I got to play the piano for this too. We had the primary stand up and sing. The kids were on one side of me and I could hear the strong voices of the congregation singing that they could be together forever. It was amazing and awesome. I wanted to sit and cry, but I couldnt because I had to still see the music so I kept it under control. I love that we can be together forever and that we can teach our children to have hope and love in this world.
At the end of the program one of the counselors in our bishopric said a few words. He talked about doing family history recently. When he was 19 he joined the church. No one else in his family was or is a member. In doing family history he found out that his family had joined the church in Europe and came to the US to live in Utah. The father of the family died soon after making it to Utah and the family eventually fell away from the church. He thought he was a pioneer in his family by joining but found out he was reviving his family legacy! It was very cool and powerful. Then the closing song was Families Can be Together Forever. I got to play the piano for this too. We had the primary stand up and sing. The kids were on one side of me and I could hear the strong voices of the congregation singing that they could be together forever. It was amazing and awesome. I wanted to sit and cry, but I couldnt because I had to still see the music so I kept it under control. I love that we can be together forever and that we can teach our children to have hope and love in this world.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I am a proud mama. Everyday Lexa amazes me. I dont have any grand ideas that she is the smartest kid in the world, but I love to see her growing and discovering and being creative. Her learning to read is as exciting to me as a baby learning to walk. But I wanted to display some of her recent art work. We have a basement where we give her freedom to create, paint, cut, paste, color, etc. I love seeing how her mind works and comes up with these things!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I feel like I just want to say something just so that the title with the word rat in it can go down.
I was talking to Lexa this week about what the president would say to her in his speech. I told her that he would basically say things like do well in school and to work hard. She said,"That is exactly what I need!!" It was awesome. I actually was ok with her hearing the speech. He is the President of our country and Lexa does go to public school. I want her to learn to have respect even if we disagree.
In other news, I tried to make pear butter tonight for the first time. I have made apple butter before so luckily I knew the process. But about 6 hours of work rendered 3 1/2 small jars of butter. It better be darn good.
I was talking to Lexa this week about what the president would say to her in his speech. I told her that he would basically say things like do well in school and to work hard. She said,"That is exactly what I need!!" It was awesome. I actually was ok with her hearing the speech. He is the President of our country and Lexa does go to public school. I want her to learn to have respect even if we disagree.
In other news, I tried to make pear butter tonight for the first time. I have made apple butter before so luckily I knew the process. But about 6 hours of work rendered 3 1/2 small jars of butter. It better be darn good.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I thought the rats were gone but was filling up the van with gas on Tuesday and heard them again!!! Went home and our neighbor, the fearless Jen, found a baby rat squeaking at her on our driveway while we were gone during the day. She picked it up, put it in a tuperware with papertowels, and tried to feed it milk. The baby didnt even have its eyes open yet. She put the tuperware under the truck, trying to let the mom come back and get it. When we realized they were in the van we put the baby on the driveway. It was moving around all day and making the cutest sounds!!! Even baby rats are cute!! We opened the van hood and found another nest. We opened the Maxima hood and found the hood scratched up but no nest. At this point I was really tired of dealing with them. A guy in our ward, who also works with Nolan in the elders quorum, owns a pest control company called PestRite. Gave them a call. Mama rat never got her baby. Nolan dealt with the baby and I didnt want to know how. I told him to leave it out for the neighborhood cats. Mike came the next day. We never heard the rats again, but he laid out boxes with rat poison. Hopefully they are either gone already or they wont die in the engine where we cant find them but they smell really undescribably bad. Mike will check the food tomorow and we will see what is happening.