Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lexa took scraps from the floor of the basement (other projects she had done) and made a person!
This bird cracks me up! Especially the tuft of feathers on its head. That was on purpose!

Lexa made a super-hero of her dad, and then covered him in his super-hero outfit complete with cape on the back.

Lexa made me a heart face. She figured out to cut the circles in half and then put them back together again with a different colored half! (for the eyes)

I am a proud mama. Everyday Lexa amazes me. I dont have any grand ideas that she is the smartest kid in the world, but I love to see her growing and discovering and being creative. Her learning to read is as exciting to me as a baby learning to walk. But I wanted to display some of her recent art work. We have a basement where we give her freedom to create, paint, cut, paste, color, etc. I love seeing how her mind works and comes up with these things!


BandB Eyes said...

She is so creative!!!

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