Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I was dropping Lexa off at school today when she closed the car door on her thumb. It was black and bloody instantly so I RACED her to the emergency room at Centerra. I called my mom on the way so she could call the school and tell them Lexa wouldnt be there today. Then my mom and dad came up and watched Clara while I was with Lexa. That was really nice because I hadnt brought any shoes for Clara (thought we would just be dropping her off and then going home). Without shoes on she couldnt walk around the ER. It is pretty hard to keep her entertained and happy while Lexa was freaking out and crying. They ended up burning a hole in her nail so the blood could drain out. She felt much better after that! She had a few x-rays and her thumb was fine. We got home just in time to watch two kids. Lexa is fine but realizing how much she uses her thumb!! I was so sick today and being in the ER was fun. On the way out they gave us a flier so we could recognize the symptoms of swine flu, just in case we picked it up there. Ha!


BandB Eyes said...

OUCH!!! I'm so sorry- that is no fun! Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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