Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today I was out in the foyer at church during sacrament meeting with Clara. Her arm slipped while she was crawling and her face bonked the floor. She screamed so I held her to try to calm her down. After a few minutes I looked at her and her face was covered in blood!! We ran to the bathroom and after cleaning most of the blood away I could see that her two little teeth on the bottom had been jammed into her gums on the top. So we went through the rest of church with blood all over my WHITE sweater and her dress. She was pretty good the rest of the day but is now having a really hard night and crying every 30 minutes or so. We are giving her ibuprofen and teething tablets. Probably be on a soft diet for a few days.
After getting home we asked Lexa what she learned today. Her response, as usual, was that she didnt remember. After telling her good, we didnt want to hear about it anyway, she then told us what she had learned. Then we had to go into this whole lecture about what is lying and why it is bad, and how she shouldnt lie to her parents. Later, before bed, she stubbed her toe and said she was having such a hard day! I asked her what was so hard about it. She said, "I hit my toe, I'm tired, I had to have a weird conversation..." My response, "Wait, what weird conversation?" "Ya know, the one about lying?" I couldnt help it but laugh. Then I tried to tell her we were trying to help her become a better person, then she said she had to have two weird conversations in one day.
Then we were reading her bedtime book and I sometimes will change a word in a sentance to see if she is paying attention. She knows the books by heart and always knows the right word that I should be saying. So tonight I asked her what if all the other times I was reading it wrong and tonight I was finally reading it right? She looked at me and said, "If you really did that , it would be Really... unusual."
She cracks us up!


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