Sunday, August 30, 2009
So tonight Lexa opened her door and stood at the top of the stiars. I asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom. She started rambling about stuff, but not ever finishing a sentance. I finally walked to the top of the stairs and asked her if she was awake. Her eyes were totally dialated. she told me to follow her to her room. She walked in and went straight to her bed. Not another word or movement out of her. I put her blanket on and told her goodnight. not a word. My child sleep walks.Another time happened in March. My in-laws were here and asked if Lexa was supposed to be up because she was wandering around upstairs. I went to ask her what was wrong. She was rummaging through the clothes she had taken off earlier. She asked me to help her find her other sock. This started to make me suspicious because she HATES to sleep with socks on. So I helped her find it. The next thing she said was, "But what about my underwear??!!" Sure enough, she had taken off her underwear somewhere. Found them in a ball at the end of her bed. Her bed was dry, floor was dry. She said she already went to the bathroom (never heard a toilet flush or saw unflushed toilet) and she just had to wash her hands. We got her all dressed and she went back to bed. Does not remember any of it. This should be more and more fun the older she gets (hopefully not dangerous!).
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