Monday, August 24, 2009

Two days after we got home from vacation school started for Lexa. Yes, school was starting August 13th!!! It was crazy early. But we also got to see our friends the Shaw's from Texas. They were on their way back to Austin from Utah and stopped for a day. It was awesome to see them. We had a lot of fun with Guitar Hero. It really hope they will stop by again.
Lexa's teacher this year is Mrs. Kruger. Lexa went to the preschool at Tozer for two years, so she is used to the school, but not used to having a new teacher. She only knew two people in her class, so she was really nervous about making friends. I told her to try to learn one persons name a week. After one week she already knows half the class, and gets to see her old friends at recess. She is in half day kindergarten but most her friends are in all day. In preschool she got to go to obsticle course day (occupational therapy) and library day. This year, she gets to have music class, PE, library, counseling day, and computer lab. She loves it. It is awesome for me to just be able to drop her off and not have to walk all the way in and sign in and out.


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